Below is a list of the services that we can provide. We are happy to provide more information about these services upon request. 

Project Management 

RFP and proposal writing 

Site and Market Assessment 

Specific Plans 

Codes and Standards

Site Feasibility and Assessment 

Land Use Planning 

Urban Design 

Regional Planning 

Community Engagement 

Online Surveys 

Focus Groups 

Workshops and Charettes 

Stakeholder interviews 

Tactical Urbanism 

Website Design 

Community Presentations 

Transit Oriented Development 

Multi Modal Planning 

First and Last Mile assessments 

TOD Planning 

Streetscape Design 

Site Inventory 

Concept Architecture  

Site Capacity / Yield Summary

Public Realm Planning 

Landscape Concept Design 

Streetscape Design 

Graphic Design 

3-D Sketching / Visualizations 

Design Review 


Design Studio Teaching 


Here is a matrix of our select experience working with municipalities and institutions throughout the US. It is only a portion of our background. More information is available upon request. 

Research and Writing

In addition to 50+ blogs and articles on the topic of urbanism and human behavior (mostly available on my linked in page, found on the contacts page)  here are some examples of  published research done by citydesignlab and readily available.  

Grid / Street / Place

Essential Elements of Sustained Urban Districts

A detailed study of over 100 successful urban districts throughout North America. clear drawings and simple graphics throughout, an essential tool for llearning urban design. 



available at


Urban Rx

What makes Urban Districts Thrive?

URBAN Rx is a tool that blends traditional empirical and Big Data to identify the essential success factors of urban districts. The tool will be useful to any develper, city offical , or desing practitioner looking for ways to create thirving, productive, and economically viable urban places. 

available at

Reconsidering Jane Jacobs

This Book gives this leading voice of urbanism the respect she deserves, reminding planning professionals of the range and complexity of her thinking with critiques on the consequences  of her ideas on cities and planning with significant  emphasis on the relevance of her work on the international stage. Edited by Max Page and Timothy Mennel. 


available at



Urban Design in the Arab World

Reconceptualizing Boundaries

Providing a critical overview of the state of contemporary urban design in the Arab World, this book conceptualizes the field under four perspectives; as discourse, as discipline, as research and as practice. it poses a key question: what constitutes the middle eastern experience of urban design in light of regional political and cultural events?  Edited by Robert Saliba. 

Available at Routledge. com